
Code of Conduct for Students

  1. Students shall abide by the rules and regulations of the college, and conduct themselves with discipline and decorum.
  2. Students shall wear their uniform on the campus and carry their identity card.
  3. Students shall attend classes regularly and punctually and shall refrain from any action that may disturb the smooth working of the college. 
  4. Students shall be clean and modest in dress, refined in language and polite in behavior
  5. When classes are in session, students shall not enter or leave the class rooms without the permission of the teachers concerned.
  6. Students who may be free during class-time shall not loiter on the verandah or on the premises of the college. During such time, they are to be in the Library / Reading room.
  7. Students shall handle college property with care and preserve cleanliness and tidiness on the campus.
  8. Except in the meeting of the various college Associations, no student shall address any gathering in the college premises without the special permission of the Principal.
  9. Politics is banned on the Campus and students shall not engage in any political activities or agitations on the campus.
  10. College union elections shall be conducted as per university regulations and guidance.
  11. Indecent behavior towards the opposite sex will not be tolerated.
  12. Students shall not invite or encourage outsiders to enter the campus.
  13. Students are strictly forbidden from bringing and using mobile phones on the campus.
  14. Students are forbidden from entering into other classes without express permission of the Principal.
  15. After class hours, students are permitted to stay back on the campus only with permission of the Principal.
  16.  Students shall not engage in any activity that would defame the institution through print, visual and social media, or in any other manner.
  17. Demonstration / Campaigning / Procession shall be done only with the sanction of the Principal.
  18. Rioting/Agitating against another group of students or against members of staff / Principal /Management for any reason whatsoever is prohibited.
  19.  Grievances are to be brought to the attention of the Grievance Redressal Cell in writing. The cell in consultation with the Principal shall take necessary steps to resolve such grievances.
  20. Re-admission to any programme is not a matter of right. Applications for re-admission will be recommended only on genuine grounds. 
  21. Issue of certificates: A student who desires to get any certificate from the college office shall apply to the Principal in writing, through the HOD/ class teacher, stating his/her relevant details viz Class, Class No., Year of Study, Subject/Second Language, University Register No. etc. Normally a notice of 24 hours is necessary for the issue of Certificates.
  22. Ragging/teasing/intimidating/harassing/using words of abuse etc. on other students, especially female students within the Campus or outside is a punishable crime under Police Act, and such matters will be immediately reported to the police. Students involved in such acts will be adequately punished which may amount to:
  2. A FINE UP TO RS. 10,000/- AND

The University too would be requested to take the matter seriously and execute punitive measures, in such cases.

  1.  In all matters not specified in the foregoing rules, students shall aim at conducting themselves well, respecting the rights of others so as to establish and maintain the good traditions and reputation of the institution.
  2. The Campus is declared plastic free. Students are forbidden from bringing plastic materials to the campus.
  3. No posters shall be exhibited or notices distributed without the permission of the Principal
  4. Waste shall be deposited in the bins earmarked for it.